Windows 98SE Updates Post Unofficial Service Pack 3-b4

This page contains most of the updates for Windows 98SE (english) released after or not included in the Unofficial Service Pack 3 beta 4 by Gape (aka uSP3-b4).
To download this service pack click here: sesp30b4-en.exe
infos on this pack here: sesp30b4-en.txt

The latest version of this service pack can be found here: U98SEPS - Unofficial Windows 98SE Service Pack Updates
These updates are created and provided by Problemchyld, who is now in charge of the project.

ATTENTION: U98SEPS may already contain many if not all of the updates listed here.
So if you install the latest version of U98SEPS instead of sesp30b4-en, you will not need to install the updates and patches listed below, unless otherwise advised.

Very Special thanks to MDGx who provided all these files and all the informations available on his website:
Windows 98(SP1,SE) +ME Updates, Patches + (Hot)Fixes.

This page lists only the patches and updates for Windows98SE and IE6, found on MDGx's website or recommanded by him and only those released after the last version of the safe and tested Unofficial Service Pack 3-b4.
MDGx's website gives a more complete list of all updates for all 9x/me versions of windows as well as IE5 or 6 and Windows Media Player. ('s Homepage).
Special thanks to Maximus Decim, Tihiy, sleffing, erpdude8, Xeno86 and all those from the MSFN's W9x project forum who contributed to the creation and adaptation of these updates.

The author and owner of this website as well as the owner of the server hosting this website and all the persons having been involved in the creation or the distribution of the files, updates and executables present on this website will not be responsible for any material damage, loss of hardware performance or functionality, alteration or loss of datas, theft of datas, exposure of classified documents, loss of privacy, penalty, material or financial depreciation or loss or liability or any other loss or damage or liability of any kind caused by the use or inability to use these files, updates or executables.

They are delivered to You for free, as is and without any warranty attached beyond those already described in the agreements between You and their authors or vendors if any. You understand that most of them doesn't come with any warranty at all and that there is no garantee that they will work on your computer as advertised.
Moreover you agree to use each of them with respect to the user agreement provided by their author if any.

Use at you own risk.

Info files will open in a new window. Right-click to download them.   473 Kb   Infos
cntrol98.exe   64 Kb   Infos
copy2gb.exe   348 Kb   Infos
crypt9x.exe   668 Kb   Infos
dst_9xme.exe   128 Kb   Infos
dx90c.exe   39,600 Kb   Infos
dx9cpl.exe   189 Kb   Infos
flash_player_9-0-260_active_x.exe   1,501 Kb   Infos
grphflts.exe   2,253 Kb   Infos
helphlp.exe   655 Kb   Infos
i2360131.exe   2,280 Kb   Infos
ie331485.exe   157 Kb   Infos
iosys98.exe   171 Kb   Infos
jre-6u7-windows-i586-p.exe   15,609 Kb   Infos
mddacu.exe   8,463 Kb   Infos
mdie6cu.exe   14,040 Kb   Infos
nusb.exe   756 Kb   Infos
nusb35e.exe   835 Kb   no info file
oleup.exe   633 Kb   Infos
pngfix.exe   14 Kb   Infos
q216204.exe   285 Kb   Infos
q253912.exe   117 Kb   Infos
q272991.exe   70 Kb   Infos
q311561.exe   300 Kb   Infos
q950749.exe   2,673 Kb   Infos
q961371.exe   177 Kb   Infos
riched9x.exe   801 Kb   Infos
rootsupd.exe   343 Kb   Infos   5 Kb   Infos
scanfrag.exe   1,054 Kb   Infos
scr569x.exe   671 Kb   Infos
scr579x.exe   716 Kb   Infos
secur98.exe   160 Kb   Infos
sysplg98.exe   143 Kb   Infos
ttfpak.exe   5,916 Kb   Infos
twain9x.exe   207 Kb   Infos   31 Kb   Infos
usb20drv.exe   256 Kb   Infos
vbvm60.exe   696 Kb   Infos
vc_r_9x.exe   1,475 Kb   Infos
vs6sp6u.exe   1,946 Kb   Infos
wia11.exe   2,010 Kb   Infos
winfil98.exe   321 Kb   Infos

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See also on this website: HTAsoft's homepage
Maxthon Plugins  and  Installed Files Checker  and BigOpenBox for w98  and W98SE Updates  and Aviutl's tutorial